SVBRG has published a number of books detailing their investigations into the origins, history and nature of the vernacular buildings in several Somerset Villages. They give exceptional insight into both the structural and social history of these communities through the ages.
By way of an example the contents for the Chiselborough Booklet is;
- Location Map (fig. 1)
- Village Map (fig. 2)
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- List of Houses & Cottages surveyed
- Key to Conventional symbols
- Introduction
- The Manor
- Tenure
- Land Use
- Holdings
- Non Agricultural Employment
- Social Structure
- Gentry. Yeomen & Husbandmen
- Lesser Farmers, Craftsmen and Labourers
- Investment of Wealth
- Houses and Cottages
- Documentary evidence
- Losses
- Architectural evidence
- Plan-form and typology
- Descriptions and plans of individual dwellings
- Farm Buildings
- Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Appendix
- A Pitte holding ca 1585
- B 1658'Rentall of the Mannor'
- C Petition of Lionell Still - Leave to build 1614
- D
- Will of Robert Bishop l82s
- Auction 1856
- Auction 1857