Library of books held by SVBRG for members to borrow.

The current location/holder of each book is indicated by the relevant member's initials. Please inform John Rickard whenever books are exchanged or relocated.

A Bibliography on Vernacular Architecturede Zouche Hall, R, [Ed]DR
Architecture in Britain 1530-1830Summerson, J.CD
Base Crucks in SomersetWilliams & GilsonJR
Base Crucks in SomersetWilliams & GilsonJR
Base Crucks in Somerset Williams & GilsonJR
Bricks to build a house Woodforde, J.DR
Cotswold Stone HomesHill & BirchCD
Cruck Building, A survey 2019. Alcock, Barnwell & CherryFD, AB
Cruck Catalogue; Cruck roof N.Cadbury; Jointed Cruck S.BradonHall, Austin & WalrondJR
Cruck construction. An introduction and catalogueAlcock, N.W.FD
Dating of the Smaller Somerset HousesWilliams, E.H.D. DR
Decorative Plasterwork in the houses of SomersetPenoyre, J. & J. DR
Dendrochronology Hillam, J. JR
Devon BuildingBeacham, P. [Ed] DR
Domesday Book SomersetThorn, C. & F. [Ed] DR
Domestic Interiors 1500- 850Ayres, J.DR
English FarmhousesBrown, J.R.DR
English Houses 1200-1800 The Hertfordshire Evidence Smith, J.T.JR
Examples of English Handwriting 1150-1750.Grieve, H.E.P.DR
Farm Buildings Woodforde, J.DR, JR
Haselbury PlucknettSSAVBRGFD
Houses and Cottages of BritainBrunskill, R.W.DR
Houses in the Landscape Penoyre, J. & J.JR
Industrial Archaeology in WiltshirePonting, K.D. [Ed] FD
Long Load & Knole, Long LoadSSAVBRGFD
Medieval Cruck-Building and Its DerivativesCharles, F.W.BJR
Newton St Loe, N.E.SomersetDallimore, J. & othersJR
Norton sub Hamdon. Village Design StatementNorton, sub Hamdon DR
Rural Housing, An Historical ApproachMachin, R.DR
Small Houses in England 1520-1820.Eden, P. JR
Somerset Archaeology:A field Guide Adkins, L. & R.FD
The British HouseGrey, E.DR
The Buildings of Britain;Tudor and Jocobean.Airs, M. CD
The Dovecotes of Historic Somerset McCann, J. & P.FD
The English Medieval Roof. Crownpost to KingpostWalker, J. [Ed]FD
The English Medieval Town Platt, C.DR
The Geology of Somerset Hardy, P.DR
The Handbook of British Architectural Styles Durant, D. N.DR
The Houses of Yetminster Machin, R.DR
The Medieval House Wood, M. DR
The Medieval Landscape of Somerset Aston, M. [Ed]DR
The Medieval Peasant House in Midland England. Miles, D. & Alcock, N.FD, AB
The Observers Book of British ArchitecturePenoyre, J. & Ryan, M.AR
The Shapwick ProjectGerrard, C. & Aston, M.DR
The Vernacular Buildings of Batcombe SSAVBRGFD
The Vernacular Buildings of West and Middle Chinnock SSAVBRGFD
Timber Building In BritainBrunskill, R.W.JR
Traditional Buildings of BritainBrunskill, R.W.DR
Traditional Buildings of the English CountrysideSharpe, G.R.DR
Traditional Farm Building of Britain.Brunskill, R.W. JR
Traditional Houses of Somerset Penoyre, J.DR
Vernacular Architecture Brunskill, R.W.JR
Villa Ventorum. ArchaeologicalExcavation and BuildingThe NewtFD
Villages in the Landscape Rowley, T.DR
West Country Farms, Houses & Estate Surveys 1598-1764Carson, C. & Alcock, N.FD
West Country Households 1500-1700Allan, J. & othersFD
Your House the Outside View Prizeman, J.CD